




Dr. Christian Stellmach

Time- and spectrally resolved terahertz photoconductivity of quantum Hall systems
C. Stellmach, G. Vasile, A. Hirsch, R. Bonk, Yu. B. Vasilyev, G. Hein, C. R. Becker, G. Nachtwei
Phys. Rev. B 76, 035341 (2007). Abstract

Terahertz photoconductivity in GaAs/AlGaAs and HgTe/HgCdTe quantum Hall devices
C. Stellmach, R. Bonk, Y. B. Vasilyev, A. Hirsch, G. Hein, C. R. Becker, G. Nachtwei
Phys. Stat. Sol. C 3, 2510 (2006). Abstract
Measurements of the electrical excitation of quantum Hall devices in the real-time domain
G. Vasile, C. Stellmach, G. Hein, G. Nachtwei
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 21, 1714 (2006). Abstract
Spectral and Temporal Resolution of THz Detectors based on Quantum Hall Devices with various Geometries
N.G. Kalugin, C. Stellmach, Yu. Vasilyev, A. Hirsch, G. Hein, B.E. Sagol, G. Nachtwei
Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2006, 0891-EE04-06.1
Low-Frequency Enhancement of the Breakdown Hysteresis and of the Electron Localization in Quantum Hall Systems
N. G. Kalugin, A. Buss, C. Stellmach, G. Hein, G. Nachtwei
J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron. 1, 85 (2006).
Photomagnetic effect in bilayer two-dimensional electron-hole systems
Yu. B. Vasilyev, C. Stellmach, G. Nachtwei, R. A. Suris, S. D. Suchalkin, B. Ya. Meltser, S. V. Ivanov, and P. S. Kopev
Physica E 34, 308 (2006). Full Text: PDF
Time- and Spectrally Resolved THz Photoconductivity in Quantum Hall Devices
C. Stellmach, Y.B. Vasilyev, R. Bonk, A. Hirsch, N.G. Kalugin, G. Hein, C.R. Becker, and G. Nachtwei
Springer Proceedings in Physics (SPP) 110, 95 (2006) Abstract
Measurements of the electrical excitation of QH-devices in the real time domain
G. Vasile, C. Stellmach, G. Hein, and G. Nachtwei
Springer Proceedings in Physics (SPP) 110, 273 (2006) Abstract

Fast terahertz detectors with spectral tunability based on quantum Hall Corbino devices
C. Stellmach, A. Hirsch, G. Nachtwei, Yu. B. Vasilyev, N. G. Kalugin, and G. Hein
Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 133504 (2005). Abstract, Full Text: PDF
Nonequilibrium localization in quantum Hall systems at very low frequencies
A. Buss, F. Hohls, F. Schulze-Wischeler, C. Stellmach, G. Hein, R. J. Haug, and G. Nachtwei
Phys. Rev. B 71, 195319 (2005). Abstract, Full Text: PDF
Short decay times of the Terahertz photoresponse in quantum Hall Corbino detectors with spectral tunability
A. Hirsch, C. Stellmach, N.G. Kalugin, G. Hein und G. Nachtwei
API Conference Proceedings 772, 1222 (2005). Text: PDF
Enhanced localization in Landau-quantized systems induced by very low frequencies
A. Buß, F. Hohls, R.J. Haug, C. Stellmach, G. Hein, and G. Nachtwei
API Conference Proceedings 772, 599 (2005). Text: PDF

Gate-Tunable THz Detector based on a Quantum Hall Device
C. Stellmach, A. Hirsch, N. G. Kalugin, G. Hein, B.E. Sagol and G.Nachtwei
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 19, 454 (2004). Abstract, Full Text: PDF
Relaxation oscillations in a bistable quantum Hall system
A. Buß, G. Nachtwei, N.G. Kalugin, B.E. Sagol, C. Stellmach, A. Hirsch and G. Hein
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 19, 40 (2004). Abstract, Full Text: PDF
Coexistence of bandlike and localized 5f electrons in UxLa1-xS
M. Broschwitz, C. Stellmach, M. Rode, M. Marutzky, D. Menzel, J. Schoenes
Phys. Rev. B 69, 184408 (2004). Abstract

  2003 and older
Relaxation oscillations and dynamical properties of a bistable quantum Hall system
N. G. Kalugin, B. E. Sagol, C. Stellmach, A. Buß, A. Hirsch, G. Nachtwei and G. Hein
Int. J. Nanosci. 2, 559 (2003). Abstract
Relaxation oscillations and dynamical enhancement of the breakdown hysteresis in quantum Hall systems with Corbino geometry
N. G. Kalugin, B. E. Sagol, A. Buß, A. Hirsch, C. Stellmach, G. Hein, and G. Nachtwei
Phys. Rev. B 68, 125313 (2003). Abstract, Full Text: PDF
Function principle of a relaxation oscillator based on a bistable quantum Hall device
G. Nachtwei, N. G. Kalugin, B. E. Sagol, Ch. Stellmach, and G. Hein
Appl. Phys. Letters 82, 2068 (2003). Abstract, Full Text: PDF
Evidence for Ionic Bonding in YH3-<delta>
M. Rode, A. Borgschulte, A. Jacob, C. Stellmach, U. Barkow, J. Schoenes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 235502 (2001). Abstract